Thursday, May 28, 2020

How important agriculture is

How important agriculture is

Agriculture is a part of our life. Most of the people source of livelihood is farming. The agricultural sector provides the folder for domestic animals.  Can also provide milk for people and so many other things.
 Agriculture is important for food supply
Agriculture is the primary source of food product that we consume. The food is vital for the human and agriculture offers us these substances like: carbohydrate, vitamins, protein , mineral and fat.
Protein  can help you to building blocks of human body tissue like muscle, hair and many of them.
The source of protein that you need are: egg, fish, lean meat, poultry and diary products like yoghurt or cheese.
Carbohydrate are food that you really need to supply energy to human but also for all living things.  Food in Carbohydrate is : bread, pasta, beans, potatoes, rice and cereals.
Fats are protecting human organs and cell growth and they give our body energy and warmth. The source of dietary fat are meat, milk, cheese, butter, cream and baked products like biscuits and pastries.
But what is the most important is that agriculture can alleviate proverty through the introduction and practice of sustainable agricultural practices.
Agriculture help in the following ways: increased farm productivity, help increase food supply, create employment opportunities and reduces costs of food prices.
Agriculture is a source of raw materials as cotton, sugar, tobacco and many others. Processing of fruits and vegetables and rice husking is the best part of agriculture.
Agriculture is present in all the countries and that really help the environment.

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